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Ecsite Executive Director to join Expert Group on Science with and for Society

The network of National Contact Points in Horizon 2020 Science with and for Society (SwafS) recently invited Ecsite Executive Director Catherine Franche to become a member of the Expert Group (EG) that will be created in Science with and for Society area. The Expert Group will include outstanding authorities for every dimension of Responsible Research Innovation (RRI). The main objective of the EG will be to identify future trends and emerging areas in SwafS and RRI (the RRI defined areas: Ethics, Gender, Open Science, Public Engagement, Science Education and Science Governance) and give policy input for SwafS developments in Horizon 2020.

The specific goals of this expert group will be:

1. To contribute to a broader debate of the most important issues of SwafS and RRI

2. To give advice to the NCP Network regarding the developments in SwafS and RRI

3. To support spreading the RRI concept cross Horizon 2020 programme.

"I’m looking forward to representing Ecsite members’ professionalism and demonstrating the necessity of public engagement in the development of Responsible Research and Innovation", Franche stated. As the European network of science centres and museums, Ecsite and its 375 members can play a catalytic role in putting RRI into action. Active citizenship is one of Ecsite’s core values and being involved in shaping RRI will contribute to Ecsite’s vision: to foster creativity and critical thinking in European society, emboldening citizens to engage with science."


  • RRI
  • catherine france
  • expert group
  • swafs