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Ecsite AGM 2021 - get ready

The Ecsite Annual General Meeting will be taking place on Friday 7 May 2021, 14:00 – 16:00, in Bremen, Germany. Ecsite Full members will be allowed to participate via Zoom and vote remotely.

This is the first time Ecsite organises a remote AGM and we hope it will make attendance easier for you. To get ready, please follow the few steps described below.

Agenda and documents

Full members will be receiving an invitation and the Agenda by email. Download the AGM booklet (see bottom of this page), using the password provided in your invitation.

This year, you will be electing a new President and eight Board Trustees - take a look at the candidacies in the AGM booklet. As each year, you will also be approving the activity report 2020, accounts 2020, budget 2021, the membership fees 2022 and other items figuring on the Agenda.


Only the formal representative that will vote for your organisation should register from 21 April and before 30 April 2021 here.

If you cannot attend on 7 May and need to give a proxy to another member you will be able to do this on the registration platform.

Your registration will help us see if we will have the required quorum, draw up a register of the Full members attending and allow us to upload on the voting system ahead of the AGM the Full member representatives and the proxies they hold, if any.

Voting rights

Please remember that only Full members that have paid their 2021 membership fees have the right to vote. If your institution cannot be present at the Annual General Assembly, you can give a proxy to another Full member who will then be able to vote on your behalf. According to our Internal Regulations a member may vote by proxy on behalf of a maximum of three other members.

Remote voting system

Voting will take place on the Cloud of Nemo Vote https://ecsite-agm-2021.nemovote.com

If you have registered by 30 April, 2 days before the AGM you will receive your username and password to access the voting platform.

If you have not registered by 30 April, you are of course still entitled to attend the AGM and to vote, but it will make things more difficult for us to upload your information on the voting system and send your credentials to access the password in time for the AGM. This is why we kindly ask you to register by 30 April.

The vote will be anonymous and results of the votes will be communicated during the AGM.


Wiener Str. 1a
28359 Bremen, Germany
Room B (Room Besprechungszimmer)

With remote participation of members via the Zoom link provided in your invitation.

As requested by a number of Full members, the AGM will be kept short. Please make sure to connect you to the Zoom platform about 13:45 to reach the quorum necessary to open the meeting at 14:00, and out of respect for the other members.
