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1 October 2015 - 31 March 2019

Broadening its popular and political support across Europe while raising the profile of the European Research Council (ERC) by highlighting its scientific achievements and success stories is the overarching goal of a 3.5-year project Ecsite participates in.

Along with 7 consortium partners and 9 Ecsite members, Ecsite brings the excitement and curiosity emanating from the ERC-funded research to the general public in the form of a set of attractive and intriguing activities and events.  

Over the course of 42 months, the project is launching 6 scientific themes, the content of which is conveyed to the public by means of live-science experiences, debates, games, experiments, demonstrations and public events all in cooperation with Ecsite members from 9 European countries. After the Human City, Food, Longevity, and Sensory experience, the next highlight will be Music, and finally Robotics. The specific shape and form of these activities were carefully designed by Ciência Viva and Ecsite in order to spark the interest and curiosity of the general public in science and to engage it in discussions on controversial scientific issues. Moreover, the campaign communicates the cutting-edge ERC-funded research projects and results to the public with the intention of capturing people’s imagination and curiosity in the frontier research that is being conducted.

Nonetheless, the general public is only one segment of a broad target audience the project targets. Students, researchers, business leaders and entrepreneurs, science journalists and EU & national policy makers all add to the vast audience of the ERC=Science2 project.

Led by Science I Business, the project plans to capitalize on the use of traditional web-based and social media but also more novel and innovative carriers of information, such as augmented reality, modules of graphic design, professional journalistic “snowfall” articles and more.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 672302.


  • science
  • campaign
  • ERC
  • science engagement
  • activities
  • #horizon2020
  • #EuropeanResearchCouncil

List of project partners

Science Business Publishing

EMUNI: Euro-Meditterranean University

Ciência Viva: Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica

Vision2020: The Horizon Network

UCC: University College Cork

EIRMA: European Industrial Research Management Association

University of Zagreb