fbpx Directors Forum 2009: Climate change | Ecsite

Directors Forum 2009: Climate change

In 2009 the Ecsite Directors' Forum was held in Experimentarium, Hellerup, Denmark from the 20-21 November 2009.

The directors of the 90 Full Members of Ecsite discussed the questions: How do we best communicate the science behind the climate change? How do we communicate the risk that the climate change imposes upon us?

3 weeks before the COP 15 summit in Copenhagen, Ecsite members met to discuss climate change too. How can our institutions be the best platforms for the communication of the science behind the climate change between the researchers, the industry, the politicians and the society? The format of the DF was peer discussions in small groups according to a structured programme and reporting back to the audience.


  • Ecsite Directors' Forum 2009



Experimentarium is a science centre for all of Denmark. Since 1991, we have explored the world of science and technology together with millions of curious children and adults in Hellerup, north of Copenhagen. Experimentarium is a non-profit foundation with the aim to stimulate people’s interest in science and technology and to increase their awareness of methods and results within science and technology.