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Avoiding game over - 1

Why make a game in a science communication situation? How? For whom? What does a game do that nothing else could do better? What is the right balance between fun and content? How much does a serious game cost? And for what result?

During this session speakers will present three very different projects: a participatory science application to produce data on MRI brain images, a complementary set of 3 digital and analog games on nanotechnologies and a narrative participatory board game based on a 17th century patrimonial British house. Are those games fun and engaging? Would you use any of them in your institution? Can we collectively identify what makes them good games, or how they could be improved? These are some of the questions the speakers will be addressing you during the session. After a short presentation of each game, we will be divided in small groups to try them out and collectively identify traps to avoid, paths to follow and skills to develop while designing games.

Let’s reach the next level together!

Games and Speakers:

SPINE - mobile application: annotating MRI brain images to contribute to research in neurosciences.

For this project, the University of Bordeaux is working with Brigham and Women's Hospital (affiliated with Harvard Medical School, Boston). Presented by Antoine Blanchard

Tell-A-Dyrham-Tale - storytelling game: an engaging experience for visitors and a participatory design activity to gather data and design ideas from the players related to Dyrham Park, a late 17th Century country house in an ancient deer park in UK, now property of the National Trust. Presented by Daniela De Angeli

SeeingNano - augmented reality application for smartphones - tablecloth profiler - memory game: providing the public with an ability to ‘seeing at the nanoscale’, and an understanding and awareness for the breadth of nanotechnologies, and the uncertainties and potential risks connected to them. Presented by Guillaume Flament

Would like to join the second “Avoiding Game Over” session and get feedback on your project?

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Malvina Artheau
Freelance - co-creation practices and projects
Artheau Accompagnement
ICT explainer

Session speakers

Research Associate
University of Bath
United Kingdom
Program Manager
University of Bordeaux