fbpx Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte - Europäisches Zentrum für Kunst und Industriekultur | Ecsite

Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte - Europäisches Zentrum für Kunst und Industriekultur

The Völklinger Hütte World Heritage Site is the only fully preserved ironworks of industrial culture. Covering an area of more than 600.000 m2, the gigantic ironworks are a must-see attraction for anyone seeking the exceptional. On a tiny space it displays a collection of milestones in high technology of the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, the Völklinger Hütte forms part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites, like the Cheops pyramid in Egypt, the Great Wall of China, the Acropolis in Athen and Cologne Cathedral.

Where once there were chimneys smoking and a deafening noise was part of everyday work, is now a place of concerts and large-scale exhibitions. Unique Exhibitions like “Leonardo da Vinci –MenMachine”, “The Celts – Druids. Princes. Warriors.”, the Genius-project “Your brain: think. feel. act.”, “Generation Pop – hear me! feel me! love me!, or “Egypt. Gods. Humans. Pharaos. Masterpieces from the Museo Egizo Turin“. brought over 3,5 million visitors to this amazing place since 1999.

The ScienceCenter Ferrodrom®

The first Science Center in the SaarLorLux region, the Science Center Ferrodrom®, in the burden shed with its area of more than 10,000 m2, invites the visitor to discover the fascinating world of iron and steel.

UrbanArt Biennale®

Every two years the Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte displays the most important positions and contemporary developments of the UrbanArt. The UrbanArt Biennale® at the World Cultural Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte has evolved within a very short time to one of the most significant exhibitions of UrbanArt in Europe.

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Völklinger Hütte World Heritage Site

Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte

Patrimoine Culturel Mondial Völklinger Hütte

Völklinger Hütte World Heritage Site – one of the most exiting places in the world.