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The nano kit

  • December 2011
  • Education & learning
  • Topics in science
  • Material for workshops and exhibitions
  • Practical guide or toolkit
nano kit

Welcome to the nano kit. This kit will introduce you to the world of nanotechnologies and nanosciences through entertaining and interactive activities. Research at the nanoscale has widely contributed in recent times to significant advancements in science. The applications of the results of this research is revolutionising our society in many fields such as medicine, computer sciences, materials science, energy production and manufacturing. However, these advances are generally not well known to the general public as they can be invisible or difficult to understand because of the small dimension of the nanoscale and of the complexity of such phenomena.

Hands-on activities that introduce nanotechnologies and potential applications, for participants aged 8+.

Developed as part of the Time for nano project (2009-2011).

The nano kit includes several hands-on activities that will introduce nanotechnologies and potential applications. These activities are:

Activity 1: How tall are you in nanometres? How big is your hand in nanometres?
Activity 2: Dilution
Activity 3: Magnetic probe
Activity 4: Make your own buckyball
Activity 5: Ferrofluid
Activity 6: Magic sand
Activity 7: Hydrophobic textile
Activity 8: Anti fog
Activity 9: Memory metal

Public resource


  • nano
  • nanotechnology
  • kit
  • Workshop
  • Time for nano



TIME for NANO was a 30 month project run by partners in 9 EU countries and financed by the European Commission. The aim was to engage science centre visitors, with a special attention to young people, on benefits and risks related to nanoscale research, engineering and technology and to collect opinions and feedback from the participants.