fbpx Speakers wanted: digital strategies | new definitions of life | Ecsite

Speakers wanted: digital strategies | new definitions of life

The Annual Conference Programme Committee is setting up two extra sessions for the 2017 Ecsite Annual Conference. We are looking for speakers and/or case studies on the following topics:

  • Digital strategies. Does your organisation have a digital strategy in place? We are looking for speakers who would share the main points of their organisation-wide strategy, but also the challenges they met in the process of setting up and getting buy in for such a strategy.
  • New definitions of life. In line with the ‘Life everywhere’ conference theme, this session will explore the challenges of engaging audiences with scientific and technological developments such as artificial intelligence or synthetic biology that raise ethical and societal questions about life. Have you set up programmes or exhibitions on these topics? We’d love to hear from you.

Interested or know someone who might be? Get in touch with Julie Becker, Communications and Events Manager, by 8 January 2017.



  • #Ecsite2017
  • digital media
  • ai
  • synbio


2017 Ecsite Conference

This 28th edition brought 1,058 participants from 52 different countries to Porto, Portugal.  A warm thank you to our brilliant hosts: Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP) and Ciência Viva - and of course to all the participants who make this conference so special!