fbpx Not sure why gender is key when engaging teenagers in STEM? Here you will find the most recent ideas on this issue | Ecsite

Not sure why gender is key when engaging teenagers in STEM? Here you will find the most recent ideas on this issue

Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem

Research shows that the way sciences are communicated to young people is not (yet) gender inclusive. In the last years, many European funded projects have dealt with this issue, especially with the crucial topic of engaging teenagers, and specifically girls into STEM careers. It is a very interesting exercise to analyse these projects as their approaches to the topic show the evolution of gender inclusion theories in the last few years. However, it is not an easy task. In the framework of the Hypatia project, Marianne Achiam and Henriette Tolstrup Holmegaard from the University of Copenhagen, have prepared the document we now present to you. It is a very easy to read yet very interesting to approach this topic. The authors analyse past and present of European projects that have addressed these issues, showcase best practices and have developed some guidelines to guide us through a practical approach that consider these gender theories. Take 30 minutes and read it, it is worth your time.
