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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News 13 August 2018

Your Ecsite conference fee might be paid by the European Commission. Here's how!

News 13 August 2018

Based at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Apply by 3 September

News 6 August 2018
NANO2ALL multi-stakeholder dialogue participants at ICN2, Barcelona, Spain

The fourth edition of the NANO2ALL newsletter is out! Explore a variety of project results that will serve as building blocks for our roadmap of recommendations for greater societal engagement and responsiveness in nanotechnology research and innovation. News, resources, upcoming events, updates on other RRI and nanotech initiatives, and more.

News 30 July 2018

The Ecsite Board approved 7 new members. Welcome on board!

News 26 July 2018

After three years, the Hypatia project comes to an end, but that doesn't mean the task of creating and promoting more gender inclusive ways of communicating science ends with it. This article introduces the tools produced byt the project and shares what have been learned and accomplished along the way.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #32, April 2024

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