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New exhibition launch - Let's tech together

Sockets innovation exhibition

We hear about it all the time, but do we really know what innovation is? How does one innovate? Is innovating just for engineers? Is it good or bad? Is it scary or reassuring? Innovation is a concept that’s often perceived as distant from us and a matter for others to handle. But in fact, innovation is rather a multiplicity of journeys and human adventures. It is constantly reinventing itself, perhaps right now. Maybe even next door!

In March, SocKETs launches the exhibition “Let’s Tech Together”. A place to shake up our perceptions of innovation, learn about its history & its present, and imagine its future. “Let’s Tech Together” is accessible online and in four different locations in Europe: the AHHAA Science Centre in Tartu, Estonia, Museum of Science and Technology in Belgrade, Serbia, the National Museum of Science Leonardo da Vinci, in Milan, Italy, and Muzeiko - Municipal Culture Institute - Children's Science Centre, in Sofia, Bulgaria.

So grab your toolbox, put on your thinking hat and let’s tech together!

SocKETs has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement No 958277.