fbpx European Commission should review its funding mechanism | Ecsite

European Commission should review its funding mechanism

We believe the European Commission should review its funding mechanism and increase the success rates of its Call for proposals, states Ecsite in its response to a Public stakeholder consultation run for the Interim evaluation of Horizon 2020.

Suggestions include a 2-step selection process, increasing the number of proposals financed, repeating popular topics or promoting depth and width impact.

In terms of topics, Ecsite stated:
1) RRI should be maintained and reinforced;
2) Capacity-building of RRI-ready organisations should be further developed;
3) EU-level science engagement networks should be supported;
4) Post-projects dissemination grants should be made easily accessible,;
5) Science capital and different modes, means and places of learning should be promoted,
together with a further integration of learning ecosystems;
6) Young people deserve innovative approaches to science and technology learning;
7) Adults, including migrants and elderlies, should have more opportunities of engaging with
science and technology;
8) Democratic values should be promoted through science engagement;
9) A diversity agenda should be elaborated that would include girls and women as well as
minority groups;
10) RRI should be deployed to tackle climate change, energy consumption and biodiversity loss.

Download Ecsite's full statement below.



  • #horizon2020
  • consultation
  • #rri
  • european commission