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Copernican revolution in education?

​Commitment: 21st century skills

In a constantly changing, interconnected world the formal education systems, based in most countries on factory production principles, cannot help educate the next generation for the unknown future. How can science engagement organisations contribute to solving this problem?

In this session you will be invited to learn more about the international programme of Young Explorer’s Clubs (YEC), facilitated by the Copernicus Science Centre in several countries in Europe and beyond. In over 1000 clubs, students and teachers together develop 21st century skills. The network provides opportunities for engagement and collaboration at different levels – within each of the clubs, in a local community, nationally, or internationally, between clubs and their regional partners - universities or educational NGOs. For this programme Copernicus Science Centre received the Mariano Gago Ecsite Award for Sustainable Success in 2020.

Join us to explore thrills and spills of informal education in a complex networked community and share your experiences in facilitating learning communities in your local environment.


Session speakers

Program coordinator
Zuzanna is an expert in educational programmes and projects where she helps the teachers improve their skills and have more fun from their job with pupils. Now she is Head of the international programme Young Explorer’s Clubs, created by Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw, and she develops teachers cooperation network all over Poland and abroad. Also, she is working on the PhD dissertation in social sciences entitled “The models of transfer of practices developing the future competences from informal to formal education with the Young Explorer Club coordinated by Copernicus Science Center as the case study”.
Science popularization projects coordinator
Ilia State University
Nato is a Science popularization projects coordinator, of which the Young Explorers Clubs are one of the main projects. The project gathers young adults with different interests and age groups under the purpose of conducting scientific experiments in the field of natural science as a foundation of the development of new types of relationships. The project helps young people develop critical and creative thinking, which will help them learning and comprehension of scientific fields.
Head of Lviv Open Lab
Director of Lviv Open Lab
Head of NGO “Lviv Open Lab” which is one of the Young Explorers Club coordinators in the Ukraine. She is dedicated to science and technology promotion in the Ukraine and sharing own experience about communications for creating new educational environments.
Primary School Number 5 in Zabrze and Primary School Number 25 in Zabrze
Barbara is a teacher with 13 years of experience. She teaches physics, chemistry, maths and safety education. She is also a PhD student at the Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia and has been leading the Young Explorer's Club for seven years. Apart from systematic work with young people within the framework of monthly club meetings, she took part in Young Explorer's Forums at the Copernicus Science Centre, meetings for leaders of "Young Explorers at the Centre" and participated in a number of programmes coordinated by the Centre. She received a grant to complete her original project with her students "Dream Constructors". Under her leadership, the clubs participate in many competitions and science festivals .
The State School of Higher Education in Chełm
Elżbieta is a tutor, teacher, trainer, practitioner of the Points of You method, with an education in mathematics and pedagogy. She is a researcher of teaching and learning processes, a trainer of critical thinking and the use of TOC tools in education. In addition to work, she improves her own efficiency based on the assumptions of S. R. Covey's theory and improve the skills of implementing Design Thinking.
